
Save your marketing dollars from going down the drain

Get the most out of your paid campaigns with detailed reports, channel management, and continuous optimization.

mamble paid marketing channelops and analytics

The Problem

Your marketing budget is draining fast, yet the anticipated surge in conversions isn’t happening. Here's the crux:

  • Despite high spending, your ads are not converting clicks into customers
  • The lack of detailed reporting is like leaving money on the table—you're missing the data for where your dollars are going
  • The obvious gap in data insights means you're missing out on optimizing your campaigns effectively

The Solution

Accurate ChannelOps, Precise Reporting, Enhanced Performance

Granular Analysis & Data-Driven Clarity

Analyze campaign metrics with granular precision, tracking every parameter for optimal impact. Transform this data into a reporting dashboard, intelligently analyzing every piece for informed decision-making and turning costs into conversions.

Strategic Performance Marketing

Harness deep expertise in paid marketing channel management, where precision in strategy creation and multi-channel proficiency converge to drive impactful results.

Paid Marketing Platform Optimization

Unlock the full potential of paid marketing platforms for maximum optimization. Leverage every feature to enhance your paid campaign performance and achieve outstanding results

Benefits of working with us


We create strategy tailored to your business goals and implement them for maximum impact.


We excel at managing $100K+ budgets daily, ensuring every dollar is allocated strategically for optimal results.


We deliver easy-to-understand reports that empower you to harness the full potential of data, creating a continuous improvement loop for your marketing campaigns.


We ensure your paid marketing accounts and data remain securely in your possession, giving you complete control and ownership.

Elevate your ad performance

Leverage Paid Marketing Channel Operations and Analytics for smarter spending and superior conversions.

mamble paid marketing channel operations

Paid Marketing ChannelOps and Analytics: The Process


Growth goals

Paid Strategy

ChannelOps & Analytics


Paid Marketing ChannelOps and Analytics Packages

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Product - market fit validation

  • Suits for: Seed+ startups
  • Paid marketing goal: Potential purchase intent analysis
  • Process: Includes all steps from Research to Analytics and Optimization
  • Package pricing: Starting from $1K per campaign
  • Free slot for startups: 2 per quarter

Our Expertise

Native & Contextual Advertising

Taboola, Outbrain, Yahoo, Bing, Revcontent, Adblade, Criteo, etc.

Social Media Marketing

Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter

Search Engine Marketing

Google, Yahoo, and Bing

Display and Programmatic Advertising

Google, MediaMath, and Verizon

Paid Marketing by Numbers: Why You Need It

ROI Efficiency

Properly executed Google Ads campaigns yield a $2 return for every $1 spent.

CTR Dominance

The top 3 paid advertising positions secure 46% of the clicks on a page.

Ad Recall

65% of customers can recall a brand name after viewing a PPC ad, indicating strong potential for brand reinforcement through paid search.

Ad Influence

75% of users say paid ads make finding the information they are searching for easier, underscoring the importance of ad relevance and clarity.

Stop the guesswork in your ad spend

Our Paid Marketing ChannelOps and Analytics service delivers targeted campaigns for maximum impact.

mamble paid marketing channel operations

Answers to your questions

When should I start with paid marketing?

You can start with paid marketing when you have a clear understanding of your target audience and goals. It's essential to have a solid product or service offering and a website ready to convert visitors.

What to consider before choosing paid marketing channels?

Consider your target audience, budget, and goals. Research and find the channels and choose the ones that align with your business objectives.

Why use multiple paid marketing channels?

Use multiple channels to diversify your reach and connect with a broader audience or reach your target audience with multiple/different touchpoints. Running paid marketing on multiple channels also provides flexibility to adjust strategies based on the performance of each channel.

How do you create a paid marketing strategy?

Our strategy involves market research, audience targeting, keyword analysis, ad creatives, and continuous optimization. 

What is your strategy for remarketing campaigns?

Remarketing will involve targeting users who have previously interacted with your product/service. Our strategy includes creating personalized ads to re-engage and nurture leads, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

How many people will be working on my account?

Based on the selected service package, you could have an individual account manager or an entire team dedicated to your campaign. This team could oversee the entire process, from establishing goals and conducting research to designing creative assets, managing chosen advertising channels, and compiling performance reports.

What metrics do you track and how will success be measured?

We measure success by tracking metrics at the initial engagement level such as Click-Through Rate (CTR) and Cost Per Click (CPC), and deeper conversion funnel metrics like Cost Per Lead (CPL) and Close Rate. Additionally, we analyze the quality of leads and align tailored business-specific metrics to ensure comprehensive success measurement.

What type of analytics and reporting do you provide?

We offer detailed analytics and reporting tailored to your preferences and the capabilities of your data-tracking systems. This can range from high-level campaign insights down to the granular details of ad groups, individual ads, keywords, and temporal breakdowns such as daily or hourly performance. For any specialized requirements, we may also conduct ad hoc analyses to address your additional needs.

What is the impact of paid marketing channel operations, analytics, and reporting on business?

Paid marketing channel operations, analytics, and reporting have a direct impact on business by driving targeted traffic, improving conversion rates, and providing valuable insights. Efficient operations, analytics, and reporting contribute to informed decision-making and overall business growth while at the same time saving you from draining the budget on low-performing campaigns.